Dealing With Difficult Issues to Achieve Real World Results
- Do you believe that staff-related issues have a direct or indirect impact on the degree to which your business will succeed or fail?
- Do you believe that employees have issues at work they don’t know how to address?
- Do you believe that many of those employees ultimately decide it’s too risky to raise their concern?
- Do you believe that good employees leave the company rather than try and address conflicts at work?
- Do you believe that Companies who know about and have a chance to address systemic issues are better off than those who don’t.
Independence, Confidentiality and Impartiality, encourage people to work with the ombuds office and explore effective options. This is especially important for those who are reluctant or afraid of management, or those within the organization who are wary of complainants. By creating a safe space, ombuds receive unvarnished feedback about an organization’s programs and processes. This feedback informs the recommendations ombuds make to the organization as to how to better serve their constituents.