Mastery is Critical

The process of personal mastery can not be approached without proactively and skillfully framing, implementing, synthesizing, and testing our knowledge and beliefs to reach conclusions that are objective and useful. Granted that this process of continual mental...

Critical Questions

This Rings a Bell Critical thinking as something aligned with a principle of self-mastery is not new, in fact, it goes back at least two and a half thousand years to both the Sinosphere and Greece. From the written records that we have available to us from ancient...

Brief on Belief

Brief On Belief A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche Though many may not agree, it is not unreasonable to assert that all of that which we perceive as reality is constituted of belief. Even our...

Taking Charge and Being in Charge is in your Charge

Power Bases Take a moment and cast your mind to a leader you’ve known who you have or had faith in. Think about their ability to chastise or incentivise people to get things done. Think about a leader who was a distinguished authority in their field, or who you...